Our Mission:


Our Founding:

Karen Dodd is the founder and president of All For Love ministries. She resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her incredible husband and three beautiful daughters. Karen became a Christian in 2003 after the Lord revealed himself to her in a magnificent way which can be read about in her testimony. From that time, she was so in love with the Lord and so thankful for the opportunity to know him personally in such an intimate way. Her life was truly transformed and she began seeking the Lord through hours a day in his written word, worship and prayer. She always prayed for more revelation and understanding of God’s Love. Her heart is to love the Lord in the way he desires and deserves ( which is with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and living in obedience to the written and current voice of the Lord), while also loving people deeply according to his word as we believers are all part of the same body and we all belong to one another. 

Over time, the Lord brought Karen through many difficult situations where she chose love and obedience over offense and disobedience which led her to the most amazing encounter with the Lord in 2019. It began during her first mission trip to Colombia and lasted for another couple of weeks after returning home. The Lord revealed his Love to her in a most deeply powerful, tangible way. Countless scriptures of the Love of God came to life all at once. Revelation after revelation with understanding of his love came in waves unstoppable. It was electrifying and so intense she could hardly eat for weeks.

 During this time the Lord supernaturally connected her with someone she met in Colombia and after following the Lord’s guidance in ministering to that person, the Lord revealed that he was to be a lifetime partner alongside Karen and her husband in ministry. 

Signs, wonders, miracles, healing and deliverance follow this ministry as God confirms his word through the power and manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. Caring for the poor, meeting the needs of believers, especially orphans and widows is at the heart of this ministry.